Short Answer: What is the difference between “ye” & “thee”?
In the King James Version Bible, ye is plural and thee, thou, thy, etc. are singular.
In Genesis 2:16-17, God addresses the singular “man” using the word “thou” repeatedly, emphasizing that the commandment comes specifically to one person. The Hebrew word for “the man” in this passage is a singular noun, making it clear that God is speaking to one individual. The commandment not to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil is directed to “thou,” the man. In contrast, in Genesis 3:3-5, the conversation between the serpent and Eve uses “ye,” indicating a plural form for multiple people. However, when Adam speaks with God in verses 10-11, the singular form “thou” is used, confirming that the initial commandment was given to “thee,” the man mentioned in Chapter 2.
The use of “ye” and “thee” in the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible is essential for maintaining clarity in distinguishing between addressing one person or multiple individuals. The KJV employs “you” 2,613 times, using “thee” for singular and “ye” for plural when necessary. This distinction helps preserve the intended meaning and context of various passages. In Matthew 16:17-19, Jesus gives the keys of the kingdom of heaven specifically to one person, Peter, using the singular form “thee” in verse 19 to emphasize this individual responsibility.
Scripture Outline:
- Gen. 2:16-17 God talking to the (1) man — repeatedly uses thou — SINGULAR
- The Hebrew word for “the man” (haa’aadaam) is a Hebrew singular noun
- Throughout this passage “thou” used because God talking to ONE person
- The commandment came from God to the man (not the woman & the man)
- v. 17 “thou shalt surely die”
- Gen. 3:3-5, 10-11
- v. 3-5 the conversation between the serpent and Eve uses ye
- v. 10-11 the conversation between Adam and God uses thou
- v. 11 confirms the commandment not to eat was given to “thou” (the man in Ch. 2), here called “thee”
- KJV (King James Version) superior to new versions because it retains ye-s and thee-s where
necessary- NIV and other new versions are off – have less clarity
- “You” used in the KJV 2,613 times
- Where it is beneficial to make a distinction between talking to one (thee) or multiple people (ye), the KJV uses thee (singular) and ye (plural)
- Matt. 16:17-19 Jesus gave the keys to one person (Peter), according to Matthew
- v. 19 He gave the keys of the kingdom of heaven unto thee (Peter)
- Understand the jots and the tittles of the Bible.