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Choose from 5 AMAZING Topics

Do you want to receive weekly emails about interesting topics in the Word of God? Pick the subjects of interest to you and sign up below!

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1. Bible Study Tips

Bible Study Tips are wonderful for those who want to dig deeper in to the Word of God. These tips will take your study time to the next level!

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2. Things Pastors Should Know

Things Pastors Should Know was made with pastors in mind. This series covers everything from the role of the pastor to Bible essentials!

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3. Hebrew 101

Hebrew 101 is jam-packed with answers to your questions about Hebrew and Biblical examples of how God uses Hebrew pictographs to paint a New Testament picture… and what a beautiful picture it is!

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4. Math in the Bible

Math in the Bible is all about how everything in scripture adds up. God uses math in the Bible very intentionally. When you add it all up and keep finding Jesus, it will blow your mind!


5. Encouraging Testimonies

Encouraging Testimonies is about how the Word of God can change and transform lives. Listen to how God has revealed Himself to His people through His Word.

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