Transforming Lives for a brighter tomorrow
Just Word International Mission Projects

Our mission is to share the truth of God’s word Throughout the world.
Just Word Ministries was founded at the leading of the Lord in 2018 by Timothy M. Harris – pastor of Turning Point Family Worship Center in Indianapolis, Indiana. Saved for more than 60 years and teaching for decades, he is a highly sought-after Bible teacher whose in-depth, insightful, and impactful ministry has reached millions around the world.
Just Word Ministries was created as a publishing and teaching ministry to continue this work. We aim to equip everyone with understanding and tools to break down the doctrine and walk out the truth of God’s Word. Let’s grow together!
International Projects
Click the project tab below for more information
Sewing for Empowerment: Supporting Indian Community with Sewing Machines
One ministry we work with in India created a Sewing Institute to host free classes that teach women from their community the skill of sewing. The women meet daily (other than Sundays) for 6 months. We sponsored sewing machines for four rounds of graduates of the program to not only bless their families but provide them with a way to make a living.

Renewing Communities: Establishing a Community Center for Transformation in Kenya
Working with local partners meeting great needs in their community, we’ve been blessed to be able to support the building of what is described as a “restoration center” in Kenya. This multi-purpose building is used for distributing food, clothing, medication and providing school supplies, check-ups, and shelter to those who need it. It is also used for ministry activities and training of pastors, ministers, and workers.
Revitalizing Communities: Supporting Orphans and Churches
Working with amazing local partners, we have been able to sponsor programs to meet various needs that have arisen among local churches wanting to be a blessing to their community. In India we have helped provide back to school materials, dental check ups, clothing for Christmas gifts, and more for orphans. In Uganda, we set up a space with the proper equipment and internet access allowing access to educational materials including Just Word’s Bible resources. In Zimbabwe we provided school fees, stationary, and uniforms for children in the area and a baptism pool. We have done online classes for church gatherings in Mexico and India, and hosted meetings for church leaders with breakfast, teaching, and books in Kenya.
Global Aid Amid Crisis: Feeding Over 20,000 People During the Pandemic
During 2020 as many around the world dealt with shutdowns and were unable to work as usual, we worked with local church leaders in Kenya and India to offer needed support to those who were destitute in their areas. In India 11,000 families were impacted by the distribution of care packages with food including eggs, rice, vegetables, and fruit. In Kenya during a COVID feeding program, hundreds of families were provided with food, household materials, and more.
Building Brighter Futures: Establishing 7 Children’s Homes in Rural India
In 2019, we were blessed to visit seven churches in different villages committed to housing, feeding, and caring for almost 200 orphans in total. They faithfully served to the best of their ability but with tremendous needs. After that scouting trip, we were able to partner with those churches and build to completion all seven children’s homes so that the children have a secure place to live, grow, and thrive.
Compassionate Outreach: Sustaining a Lepers’ Colony for year
To the surprise of many, the leprosy described in the Bible still exists today. During our 2019 scouting trip we were able to visit, minister, and serve at a lepers colony in India, where about 100 people with leprosy and their families live. Though many are missing legs, fingers, and parts of their noses, they worship and serve the living God with all they have. Since that time, Just Word is honored to partner with churches and community organizations in India to provide resources for food & necessities monthly to prevent them from having to beg.
Empowering Dreams: Offering Scholarships for Higher Education in India
In India, students can attend government schools until 10th grade but to complete high school and college funding is required. Working with a community partner in India, we have been able to provide scholarships for high school or college expenses for 114 students so far (some of whom are orphans from the children’s homes). Their degree programs include banking, nursing, engineering, health, and more, all of which put them on the path to securing jobs.