What do the seven churches mentioned in the book of Revelations, have to do with you? You have heard the common phrase “A wise man learns from others’ mistakes”. The Seven Churches in Revelation teach us lessons that will take us from earth to Glory.

2 Timothy 3:15-17 lets us know how important ALL of the scripture is for everyone who wants to be saved and pleasing to God. It says:

15 And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. 16 All scripture [is] given by inspiration of God, and [is] profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 17 That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.

Reasons to Study:

ALL scripture comes from God, and the benefits of getting the Word, hearing the Word, believing the Word, and obeying the Word of God are endless! Specifically, we find in this passage that the Word of God, the holy scriptures (including the messages to 7 churches) are, PROFITABLE for four areas:

  1. DOCTRINE — The Word of God teaches us so we can learn God’s will and God’s ways.
  2. REPROOF – The Word of God gives evidence, scriptural proof to convict us when we are wrong.
  3. CORRECTION – The Word of God can straighten you out and help you get right.
  4. INSTRUCTION IN RIGHTEOUSNESS – The Word of God outlines how to live right so you don’t have to go the wrong way anymore!

It’s certainly time to get in the Word, to dig into and then apply the scriptures. God gave John one book written to 7 churches, and it (like all scripture) is profitable, helpful, to the church today.

Why are you studying the 7 churches? How has the Word of God been profitable to you? Share your comments below!

Seven Churches, The Evaluation Study Plan, Revelation of Jesus Christ
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One Comment

  1. Karen Webster says:

    I am studying the word because I know that it will bring me closer to Him. I can’t desire what I don’t know and no matter how much you know there’s always more to know. I desire a closer walk with Him. I delight myself (have fun, enjoy) His word. I come alive!

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