Short Videos

    Fact #10: Christ

    Fact #10: Christ

    Christ speaks of Suffering When we think of the word Christ in the Bible, our minds should go toward His sufferings. Christ relates to His humanity, His servanthood, and His suffering. In fact, Christ and Love are both used 555 times in the Bible because love motivated Christ Jesus to endure sufferings and go through…

    7-8-9 Overview

    7-8-9 Overview

    God Uses Number to Prove His Message! God uses the numbers 7, 8, and 9 to depict something being finished, new, and final. We see in this video and the supporting videos that God is able to declare something finished, new, or final before it even begins!

    Fact #7: Finished (777)

    Fact #7: Finished (777)

    The Number 7 is Significant in the Bible! Jesus uses the number 7 to declare things being Finished. From the end of the creation in Genesis 1 to Him dying on the Cross and saying, “It is finished,” Jesus chose the number 7 to represent when things were completed, ended, finished.

    Fact #6: FEEPS

    Fact #6: FEEPS

    The Old Testament is FEEPS – Figures, Examples, Ensamples, Patterns, and Shadows! The Old Testament was written as FEEPS (Figures, Examples, Ensamples, Patterns, and Shadows) of things to be revealed in the New Testament. Above all, we learn about Jesus and His coming through the picture painted from the Old Testament FEEPS.