13 reasons to be thankful:

It is so easy to list problems, issues, and concerns, but in a time when God’s Word describes people as “unthankful” (2 Tim. 3:2) and a year full of real challenges for many, how can we stay thankful? What if, in the moment, we’re struggling to be grateful? The Word of God helps us with this! Here are 13 Biblical reasons to give thanks: 

  1. His name (1 Chr. 29:13; Psa. 75:1; Heb. 13:15) – what has His name done for you? 
  2. He is good and His mercy endureth for ever (1 Chr. 16:34) – we don’t deserve it!
  3. He heard us (John 11:41) – how has God answered your prayers?
  4. God gives us victory through our Lord Jesus Christ (1 Cor. 15:57; 2 Cor. 2:14) – we win! 
  5. If you heard, received, and believed the Word of God (1 Thes. 2:13) – it works!
  6. The Lord’s lovingkindness and faithfulness (Psa. 92:1-3) – has He been there for you?
  7. If He enabled you, counted you faithful, and put you in the ministry (1 Tim. 1:12) – with His help, we get to serve Him! 
  8. For the grace of God given by Jesus Christ (1 Cor. 1:4) – His favor & life is amazing!
  9. For the people of God (Rom. 1:8; 1 Thes. 1:2-3; 2 Thes. 2:13) – remember their faith, love, and patience!
  10. If Jesus cleansed and healed you (Luke 17:11-19) – go back and say thank you!
  11. His wondrous works (Psa. 105:1-2) – He never stops working! He keeps doing great things!
  12. Mourning into dancing, sadness into gladness, He turned it (Psa. 30:1-5, 11-12) – only God could do it!
  13. He has given wisdom, might, and revelation (Dan. 2:22-23) – He is our source!

Do you want to be in the will of God? 1 Thessalonians 5:18 says, “In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” Pick a reason from the scriptures above, go back down memory lane, or just look around, but whatever you do, make SURE in everything you choose to give God thanks! The Bible says that is His will concerning you. Thanks is what God wants from you! 

What are you personally thankful for? What reason above stands out to you? Share in the comments below.

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  1. Pastor Tyrone A Kaiser says:

    thank you Pastor Harris I am grateful to God for all h]He has done for me

  2. Jael Carnell says:

    Yes! I love this blog post! I personally love #7 because it’s what has been speaking to me lately. 1 Timothy 1:12 He hath enabled me, counted me faithful, and put me into the ministry! I thank him, because when myself and others counted me out it was GOD who saw the purpose that HE establish in me and He’ll give me the help to fulfill it! Just like Paul who wrote the scripture, I think about the different obstacles that I’ve OVERCOME and I know that it was only by the Grace and Mercy of God that I didn’t stay stuck where I was! But to know that even though I didn’t see myself as “worthy” enough, He counted me as faithful.. he enabled me (he’s given me everything that I need) and He PUT me into the ministry.. He already set it up before He had to wait on me to say yes and catch up!!! My God!! That’s why I give Him thanks, because He’s Faithful and He sees me as purpose! I thank him for the chance to even be used by Him! ❤️

  3. Laspreses says:

    I think they speak to me ; first things first
    Jesus that Name; so powerful, so anointing, so peaceful…..I’m thankful; so thankful that I have the revelation of who Jesus is….I thank Him for discernment to see what happens in an environment or setting where everyone is calling on that Great Name Jesus! The atmosphere changes; peace takes over trouble waters
    Thank you Jesus…because you love me you found me and made me to see you in many manifestations
    Thank You Jesus; I’m not worthy….

  4. Great post. Really looking forward to read more. Fantastic.

  5. Rebecca Fitzgerald says:

    There are so many reasons to be thankful. Many (maybe most) go beyond what we have received naturally as beneficiaries of God’s goodness and His salvation. Reflecting and meditating on them brings joy and peace.

  6. Lydia Ethridge says:

    I want to thank the Lord Jesus Christ for always showing up for me.

  7. Mattie Roberts says:

    I’m thankful for His loving Kindness and His Grace.(Ps. 92:1-3) When I need to encouragement, guidance, correction, I find it in His word, in His presence🙏🏽

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