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Is the Apocrypha part of the Bible? Are there more than 66 books?
Short Answer: Is the Apocrypha part of the Bible? Are there more than 66 books? The Apocrypha is not a part of the Bible, although some individuals wrongly claim that it is. This book was translated during the creation of the King James Version Bible but was never regarded as part of the Bible. It…
Is rebaptism lawful for someone already baptized in Jesus name?
Short Answer: Is rebaptism lawful for someone already baptized in Jesus name? You could but there would be no point to subsequent baptisms. If someone has already been baptized in Jesus’ name, the sins committed afterward do not negate the significance of that baptism. This is evident in the lives of Paul and Peter. Paul…
What does it mean to be born & shapen in iniquity?
Short Answer: Can you please explain being born in this world but shapen in iniquity (Psa. 51:5) Being born speaks of man’s physical birth while being shapen in iniquity is about spiritual death. Each live physical birth is a stillborn dead birth at the same time because though the baby is alive physically he or…
Why was David sad about Saul dying?
Short Answer: Could you explain why David was sad about Saul dying (and Absalom) and why he spared Saul? Would he have been justified to kill him? David, a man after God’s heart, exemplified Christ-like qualities throughout this life. His love was akin to God’s, extending even to those who wronged him. He cherished people,…
What are we mourning when we fast?
Question: I learned fasting is to Humble, Afflict, Mourn, and Sanctify. When we fast, what are we mourning? Short Answer: What are we mourning when we fast? When we fast, we might mourn a situation or circumstance that caused us to run to God — example: in 2 Samuel 1:12 they mourned, wept, and fasted…
How do you forget & move forward from the past?
It’s important to move forward. How do you overcome when you (internally) or others (externally) are stuck in your past? Watch this! Short Answer: How do you forget & move forward from the past? After Peter experienced salvation, he still found himself committing sins. One of his actions caused dissension among the saints, something that…
What is Biblical fasting? Does the “Daniel fast” or giving up a certain food count?
The following answer is from the blog, “What Is Fasting?” — explore more about fasting here! Short Answer: What is a Biblical definition of fasting? The Old Testament word for fast is tsuwm צוּם (Strong’s H6684), which literally means to cover the mouth. This implies no food or drink is going into your mouth when you’re…
Do numbers matter in the Bible? What do 7, 8, and 9 mean?
Short Answer: Do numbers matter in the Bible? What do 7, 8, and 9 mean? Excerpt from Chapter 34 of Born of Water, p. 259-261: “In the Book called The Revelation, the Apostle John offers great insight into Bible interpretation. He shared that numbers have great significance and can be used to gain better ‘Understanding‘…
What is the difference in will and shall in the Bible?
Short Answer: What is the difference in “will” and “shall” in the Bible? The King James Version (KJV) precise usage of “will” and “shall” is vital to understanding the Bible. In the Bible, “will” is used when God’s certainty in performing something is expressed, indicating that He will carry out His plans. On the other…
What does “The Lord will perfect” mean in Psa. 138:8?
Full Question: Psalm 138:8 says, “The LORD will perfect that which concerneth me…” Please explain God’s picture of “will perfect” and the “dots” around the Hebrew word. Short Answer: What does “The Lord will perfect” mean in Psa. 138:8? First, the dots are vowel markings and accents, the purpose of which was to standardize pronunciation. They help…
What GOOD was there in the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil?
Short Answer: What GOOD was there in the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil? The concept of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil is explored in Genesis. In Chapter 1, God creates everything and declares it good, allowing access to all the trees in the garden. However, in Chapter 2, the Lord…
What does it mean to be SAVED?
What does it mean to be SAVED? Question: In 1 Peter 3:20, when the Bible says saved, does it mean saved in a spiritual sense or a natural sense? Short Answer: What does it mean to be SAVED? In the Old Testament, the concept of salvation often revolved around deliverance from adversaries and troubles, offering…
Do we all have to suffer or can I be just a regular Christian?
Short Answer: Do we all have to suffer or can I be just a regular Christian? Suffering pretty much goes with the job. In 2 Timothy 3:10-12, it is emphasized that all who choose to lead a godly life in Christ Jesus will inevitably face persecution. Being saved and following the path of Christianity means…
What does “God may be all in all” (1 Cor. 15:28) mean?
Full Question: 1 Corinthians 15:28 states, “And when all things shall be subdued unto him, then shall the Son also himself be subject unto him that put all things under him, that God may be all in all.” What does it mean that God may be all in all? Does that mean His manifestations as…
Do Serpent and Messiah equal the same number in Hebrew?
Question: I heard that the Hebrew words for Serpent and Messiah equal the same number. Is there something to that? Short Answer: Do Serpent and Messiah equal the same number in Hebrew? The values of the Hebrew words (outlined below) are equal because the Messiah cancels out the Serpent. The serpent is a picture of…
What is blasphemy against the Holy Ghost?
Short Answer: What is blasphemy against the Holy Ghost? In Matthew 12:31-32, Jesus speaks about the severity of blasphemy against the Holy Ghost, emphasizing that this sin shall not be forgiven. He contrasts it with sins and blasphemies against the Son of Man, which can be forgiven. The distinction lies in the use of “shall”…
When was Jesus crucified?
Short Answer: When was Jesus crucified? The true sign revealing Jesus’ identity lies in His three days and three nights spent in the heart of the earth, as mentioned in Matthew 12:39-40. Unfortunately, this significant period is often overlooked or shortened in our preaching, mistakenly claiming He died on Friday and rose on Sunday morning….
Did the men with Paul hear the voice of God?
Short Answer: Did the men with Paul hear the voice of God? So the question is did the men with Paul hear the voice of God? There’s two accounts of this story in Acts. First, Acts 9:3-7, describes Saul’s journey to Damascus when suddenly a bright light shines on him. As he fell to the…
Was David offered 3 or 7 years of famine?
Short Answer: Was David offered 3 or 7 years of famine? In 1 Chronicles 21:12, we encounter the same story as in 2 Samuel 24:13, where David is presented with three choices as a consequence of his sin: The use of numbers in the Bible holds significant meaning, and God often uses them to convey…
Could Esau repent? What did Esau seek carefully with tears?
Short Answer: Could Esau repent? Esau could have repented, but he chose not to. Hebrews 12:17, has been misinterpreted to mean that Esau was searching for repentance but could not find it. However, looking closely at the punctuation mark proves otherwise – Punctuation is IMPORTANT! The colon indicates that the left side (the subject matter…
Who did man become more like when he ate of the forbidden fruit?
Short Answer: Who did man become more like when he ate of the forbidden fruit? In Genesis 2:7, when God breathed the breath of life into man, he became a living soul. However, when man sinned, he lost one of his lives. The Hebrew word “chayiym” (חַיִּים) — translated life in verse 7 — is…
What is the difference between “ye” & “thee”?
Short Answer: What is the difference between “ye” & “thee”? In the King James Version Bible, ye is plural and thee, thou, thy, etc. are singular. In Genesis 2:16-17, God addresses the singular “man” using the word “thou” repeatedly, emphasizing that the commandment comes specifically to one person. The Hebrew word for “the man” in…
How does One God have plurality?
Short Answer: How does the one God have plurality? What does “let us make man in our image” (Gen. 1:26-27) mean? In Genesis 1:26-27, we find the account of God creating man in His image and likeness. As we study the Bible, it is essential to keep on reading and pay attention to punctuation like…