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Bible Questions 01 1

Why was David sad about Saul dying?

Short Answer: Could you explain why David was sad about Saul dying (and Absalom) and why he spared Saul? Would he have been justified to kill him? David, a man after God’s heart, exemplified Christ-like qualities throughout this life. His love was akin to God’s, extending even to those who wronged him. He cherished people,…
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Bible Questions 01 1

What is Biblical fasting? Does the “Daniel fast” or giving up a certain food count?

The following answer is from the blog, “What Is Fasting?” — explore more about fasting here! Short Answer: What is a Biblical definition of fasting? The Old Testament word for fast is tsuwm צוּם (Strong’s H6684), which literally means to cover the mouth. This implies no food or drink is going into your mouth when you’re…
Read More What is Biblical fasting? Does the “Daniel fast” or giving up a certain food count?
Bible Questions 01 1

What does “The Lord will perfect” mean in Psa. 138:8?

Full Question:  Psalm 138:8 says, “The LORD will perfect that which concerneth me…” Please explain God’s picture of “will perfect” and the “dots” around the Hebrew word. Short Answer:  What does “The Lord will perfect” mean in Psa. 138:8? First, the dots are vowel markings and accents, the purpose of which was to standardize pronunciation. They help…
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Bible Questions 01 1

What does it mean to be SAVED?

What does it mean to be SAVED? Question: In 1 Peter 3:20, when the Bible says saved, does it mean saved in a spiritual sense or a natural sense? Short Answer: What does it mean to be SAVED? In the Old Testament, the concept of salvation often revolved around deliverance from adversaries and troubles, offering…
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Bible Questions 01 1

When was Jesus crucified?

Short Answer: When was Jesus crucified? The true sign revealing Jesus’ identity lies in His three days and three nights spent in the heart of the earth, as mentioned in Matthew 12:39-40. Unfortunately, this significant period is often overlooked or shortened in our preaching, mistakenly claiming He died on Friday and rose on Sunday morning….
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Bible Questions 01 1

How does One God have plurality?

Short Answer: How does the one God have plurality? What does “let us make man in our image” (Gen. 1:26-27) mean? In Genesis 1:26-27, we find the account of God creating man in His image and likeness. As we study the Bible, it is essential to keep on reading and pay attention to punctuation like…
Read More How does One God have plurality?
Bible Questions

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