Question: I heard that the Hebrew words for Serpent and Messiah equal the same number. Is there something to that?
Short Answer: Do Serpent and Messiah equal the same number in Hebrew?
The values of the Hebrew words (outlined below) are equal because the Messiah cancels out the Serpent. The serpent is a picture of the action (Nun – a seed, life) of being surrounded (Chet – fence) and devoured (Shin – teeth). The Messiah (also translated “anointed”) is the one who cancels out the effects of the Serpent and we see the yoke is destroyed in scripture because of the anointing (Isa. 10:27). Jesus and His work cancelling out the Serpent is a common theme with sin vs. salvation. Read p. 118-119 of Born of Water for a similar example with “the release” vs. Satan being equal numerically because God’s release, cancels, and zeroes out Satan’s hold.
Scripture Outline:
- The Hebrew word for Messiah is mashiyach מָשִׁיחַ (S:4899), which is equal to 358. From left to right, the letters and values are:
- Mem equals 40
- Shin equals 300
- Yod equals 10
- Chet equals 8
- The Hebrew word for Serpent is Nachash נָחָשׁ (S:5175), which is also 358. From right to left, the letters and values are:
- Nun equals 50
- Chet equals 8
- Shin equals 300

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