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The Just Word Study Kit is a powerful Scripture Box packed with what you need to reach your spiritual goals and become the Bible student you’re meant to be on a daily basis! It includes helpful, practical, and enlightening tools and resources so you can cultivate or continue study habits that can transform your life, community, and generations.
This study kit includes:
Total Value: $79.99 | Special Price: $39.99
Though some of these items are available for individual purchase, the study kit is your all-in-one affordable option to get started and soar in the Word of God! Limited supply available.
Las discusiones de hoy en día sobre temas espirituales y preguntas bíblicas a menudo están guiadas por opiniones fuertes, tradiciones arraigadas, tendencias populares e interpretaciones subjetivas. Nacidos de Agua rompe el molde al abordar el Bautismo en Agua. Usando una extensa escritura combinada con el análisis de los idiomas originales y la investigación histórica, Nacidos…
The Requirements | The Foundation: Mastery Course for All Christians extensively covers the 6 Principles of the Doctrine of Christ listed in Hebrews 6:1-2. This powerful series allows students to immerse themselves in each principle with full-length Bible class videos, deep dives into scriptural definitions, comprehensive topical outlines, interactive study activities, and more.
The Wisdom Bundle includes 3 books:
The wisdom of Proverbs is powerful. The book of Proverbs is incredibly rich, meaningful, and practical. With this workbook, you can dive into the Word of God and gain true wisdom, knowledge, understanding, and instruction. With reflection, classes, videos, and more, this study is for you!
Watch Your Mouth Answers the question, “What would a wise man say?” with this 21-Day Interactive Workbook. It addresses the power of the tongue, scriptural dos and don’ts, the mouths of different types of people, and Biblical instructions for conflict and contention!
Wisdom in Real Life is great! The wisdom in God’s Word is always relevant! LEARN about four practical topics — Decisions, Social Circle, Work Habits, and Finances — that greatly impact your life for good or for bad, then do challenges on your own and with a partner to APPLY it in real life!
The Study Plan Bundle Includes:
– Truth Still Stands A Study Plan for Times Like These
– The 30 Day Challenge
– Wisdom in Real Life Partner Challenge
– The Evaluation A Study of the 7 Churches
-The Wisdom of Proverbs A Reading & Review Workbook
– Watch Your Mouth Interactive Workbook
– Living in the Last Days: A Course on the End Times
– Pursue God’s Purpose
– Defeat the Devil
– The Requirement| Mastery Course for all Christians (Book 1 & 2)
Get the Born of Water Bundle! Today’s discussions of spiritual issues and Bible questions are often guided by strong opinions, long-held traditions, popular trends, and subjective interpretations. Born of Water breaks the mold in addressing Water Baptism. Using extensive scripture combined with analysis of the original languages and historical research, Born of Water answers questions including:
* Can you prove Water Baptism in Jesus name from Genesis 1:1?
What are the Old Testament types and examples of Water Baptism?
What did Jesus teach about Water Baptism during his ministry?
Does the book of Matthew teach Jesus Name Baptism?
How did the Apostles and early church baptize according to scripture and history?
Is man saved by faith and confession alone? Is Water Baptism optional or necessary?
Should the phrase “In Jesus Name” or “In the Name of Father, and of the Son, and of The Holy Ghost” be uttered during the Baptism?
Can we say “In the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, In Jesus Name?”* Should we baptize in the name of Yeshua (Jesus’ Hebrew name) or Iesous (Jesus’ Greek name)?
When, if ever, should someone be rebaptized?
This life-changing compilation of Biblical truth is a resource for today and generations to come.
In the Everything bundle:
Subtotal: $19.98